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Let Your Voice Be Heard

Laurie Wollrab | Published on 1/17/2025

Give your input into the future direction of the League of Women Voters of Illinois and the LWV of McLean County at the February 6 full membership meeting.  The meeting is being held 6:00 - 7:30 pm in the Bloomington Public Library Community Room

LWV IL Input
The LWVIL asked us to gather your thoughts and opinions on the current LWVIL positions described in Where We Stand: 2023-2025 Program.  This is being done in preparation for the LWV of Illinois convention in June.

Beginning on page 7 of this document are the questions to which we will be responding regarding the LWVIL positions in Where We Stand: 2023-2025 Program.  We will be looking to hear from you about:

  • Any changes that are necessary to the LWVIL positions
  • What our league wants to see included in the LWVIL Program
  • How the league plans to support the LWVIL Program 

We will also discuss whether we feel the following LWVIL Program Pillars represent the proper focus for the LWVIL for the coming two years:

  • Pillar #1: Empower Voters and Defend Democracy (examples: voting rights, civil rights, good government, election process)
  • Pillar #2: Promote Equitable Opportunity (examples: educational funding, healthcare including reproductive rights, ERA, employment)
  • Pillar #3: High Impact Legislation (examples: environment, community safety and housing)
Program Pillars for LWV McLean County
We are also looking for feedback from you which will help inform the Board about the proposed Program (Issues and Advocacy) efforts for LWV MC for 2025-2026. We encourage you to speak up about:
  • Changes necessary to our local positions
  • What you want to see included in our Program (Issues and Advocacy) efforts
  • How we plan to support and act upon our local Program (Issues and Advocacy) priorities (expressed in our strategic plan)
A synopsis of our current Program (Issues and Advocacy) activities will be sent to members who register for the meeting. 

Our local Program choices are used to guide and prioritize future issues study and advocacy efforts. The LWVUS Clearinghouse (catalog of studies and research conducted by League members around the country) may be on interest and helpful in this regard. 

Members, please register for the Feb. 6 meeting and add it to your calendars.

Register ~ Member Meeting ~ Issues and Advocacy Planning - 2/6/2025


League of Women Voters of McLean County 

PO Box 932 

Normal, IL 61761