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HomeLeague Positions

Advocacy and Action Since 1920

League Positions Start With Knowledge

The study of government issues is a foundational League activity. The League process for study has a solid reputation for in-depth citizen explorations of issues. League positions are proposed based upon careful study,  and then are adopted by member consensus.

The League is proud to be nonpartisan. The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any political party or any candidate. 

As an organization dedicated to both voter education and advocacy, the League takes strong stances on policy issues relating to voting rights, civil rights, and other issues of importance to members and the public.

National Positions: League of Women Voters of the United States

League principles and positions of the LWVUS are detailed in Impact On Issues, A Guide to Public Policy Positions 2024-2026.

Learn about issues that affect us all.

State Positions: League of Women Voters of Illinois

Where We Stand describes the platform of the LWVIL. 

In concert with LWVUS public policy positions, these positions form the basis for advocacy and action by Illinois Leagues.

Local Positions: League of Women Voters of McLean County

Local League positions shall be consistent with national and state League positions. 

LWV McLean County positions are often more specific and detailed than state and national positions in order to respond to local conditions and enable local advocacy.


League of Women Voters of McLean County 

PO Box 932 

Normal, IL 61761