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Preparing for the LWV of Illinois Convention

by Laurie Wollrab | Published on 12/16/2024

We are planning a February 6 full membership meeting from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at the Bloomington Public Library Community Room to receive your input for state and local Program Issues and Advocacy planning. The meeting will be in preparation for the June LWVIL 2025 convention and to develop our Program Pillars list for the coming year.

In June, our local league convention delegates will have the opportunity to vote on LWVIL 2025-2027 Program Pillars in a way that reflects our local league’s wishes. We will also vote on our own local league Program Pillars at our Annual Membership meeting on June 12 (more details later). Please plan to attend the February meeting and have your voice heard.

The required local league action for the LWVIL planning process consists of two parts.

Part 1 - Review and make recommendations on existing LWVIL positions described in Where We Stand: 2023-2025 Program. We are being asked to discuss and come to consensus on whether LWVIL positions should be retained, dropped or changed. Recommendations for changes should be specific and include a summary of resources the League will need to advance those changes and we will need to indicate our willingness to participate in such a study. Members are encouraged to voice their opinions.

Part 2 - Affirm support of the LWVIL Program Pillars and identify other priority areas for our League. The Program Pillars describe the positions that will be the focus of the LWVIL for the next two years:

~ Pillar #1: Empower Voters and Defend Democracy (examples: voting rights, civil rights, good government, election process)
~ Pillar #2: Promote Equitable Opportunity (examples: educational funding, healthcare including reproductive rights, ERA, employment)
~ Pillar #3: High impact legislation (examples: environment, community safety and housing)

At the February meeting we will also be accepting proposals for our local League’s Program Pillars for 2025-2026. Our local Program Pillars are used to guide and prioritize future issue study and advocacy efforts. The LWVUS Clearinghouse (catalog of studies and research conducted by League members around the country) may be of help in this regard.

Members can register for the Feb. 6 meeting and add it to your calendars at the meeting event page. 

Register Now 


League of Women Voters of McLean County 

PO Box 932 

Normal, IL 61761