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Date: 2/4/2025
Subject: News Blast February 4, 2025
From: League of Women Voters of McLean County

February 4, 2025

All Member Meeting
In-Person Meeting on Feb. 6
Provide input for state and local Program Issues and Advocacy planning.  The meeting is in preparation for the LWVIL 2025 Convention and provide pillars for our local programming for the future.  
Meeting is Thursday, Feb. 6 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. at Bloomington Public Library.

Sales Tax Referendum
Learn More About It -- Feb 11

Mark your calendars and invite your friends to our next community information forum. It's an opportunity to learn about the proposed sales tax for McLean County schools. You can get the "what, why, when" and more on Tuesday, February 11, 6:30 PM at the Bloomington Public Library. It's free and open to members and the public.

Guests include Dr. Kristen Weikle, Unit 5 school superintendent, and Dr. David Mouser, District 87 superintendent. 
Referendum background information gathered by our League study team so far is available here
Please see second article about Feb. 25 League Consensus Meeting about the referendum. 

Study Team Preliminary Information Available
April 1 Sales Tax Referendum

The McLean County League CFST Study Team has been reviewing the April 1 ballot referendum proposing a 1% county-wide sales tax to fund McLean County schools’ facilities improvements, school resource officers, and mental health professionals.

The Study Team has been exploring the need for funding, options for meeting identified needs, and the merits/drawbacks of the proposed 1% sales tax.

Information gathered to date is available through this link to League members and the community at large. As part of our effort to inform ourselves in preparation for a possible position and follow-up action on this issue, we invited the superintendents of Unit 5 and District 87 to a League-sponsored program on February 11(see preceding story). The program is open to the public and will include opportunity for Q&A.

There will be a Member Consensus Meeting via Zoom on Feb. 25 at 6:30 p.m. We'll discuss available information and consider whether or not the League wishes to take a position, either for or against the referendum proposal. If members indicate they want the League to take action, we will begin advocacy efforts.

In preparation for this decision, please review the available information, plan to attend the Feb. 11 education program, and participate in the Member Consensus Meeting. The League does not take action unless there is a consensus of members to do so.

County Facilities Sales Tax Consensus Meeting
Zoom Meeting on Feb. 25
There will be a Member Consensus meeting via Zoom on Feb. 25 at 6:30 p.m. This is for members to consider whether or not we should take a position on the County Facilities Sales Tax of 1% which will be a referendum on the April 1 ballot. If there is consensus to move forward, we will. Otherwise, we won’t take a public position as a League.

Informational materials are available as well as an Education Program on Feb. 11 at 6:30 p.m. at Bloomington Public Library (see above story) on this topic with Unit 5 and District 87 superintendents available to answer questions.
Register to get Zoom link below:

Observer sharing Opportunity
for Normal Town Council
Our current Normal Town Council observer would like someone to share his job. The Council usually meets at 7 p.m. on the 1st & 3rd Mondays and can be observed in person or virtually. Please contact Gretchen Monti  if you are interested.

LWVUS: Democracy Impact of President Trump's First Week Actions
The League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Celina Stewart issued a media statement in response to actions taken by the new administration and the impact they will have on our democracy. Read the press release here.

Over 40 people, including a large number of community guests, joined us for our January 28 community program "Affordable Housing: Issues and Solutions."
Above left: Laurie Bergner, moderator, standing, introduced panelists from left: Mark Adams of the Bloomington-Normal Community Land Trust, realtor John Armstrong, and Bloomington City Manager Jeff Jurgens. Aspects of affordable housing discussed included market conditions, cost of building new versus upgrading existing housing, City of Bloomington housing strategies, and an introduction to the unique mission of the Community Land Trust. A complete story will be in an upcoming Voter.

Styling with your League T-Shirt
Order your T-shirt today! You can buy it at our League storefront or at the February meeting.

Upcoming Events
February 6:  Full membership meeting at Bloomington Library Community Room from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Provide input to League positions.
February 6: Sign Valentine postcards for seniors at McLean County Museum of History from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 
February 8: League of Women Voters Illinois' 2025 Issues Briefing. Attend in person or virtually. 
February 11: Learn more about Sales Tax Referendum at League education meeting. Bloomington Public Library at 6:30 p.m.
February 19: Drinks and Dialogue at Gill Street Sports Bar, Bloomington from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.  Hear the personal story from Verneice Prince who became homeless.
Check out the details and register at the Calendar of Events button below.

Miss the Last Issue of The Voter? Click on the link below for the most recent issue.
The Voter -- January 2025

League of Women Voters of McLean County
P.O. Box 932, Normal, IL 61761


League of Women Voters of McLean County 

PO Box 932 

Normal, IL 61761