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LWV of Illinois Issues Briefing

About this event

Saturday, February 8, 9:00 am, Virtual OR In-Person at Northern Illinois University Naperville Conference Center. Event is open to members and non-members.

Get briefed!
Join the League of Women Voters of Illinois for our annual look at current issues. Explore the program's topics below and register to attend.

Constitutional Limits on Executive Powers
Why has executive power under the Constitution emerged as a matter for debate? We'll examine the traditional notion of balance of power against the increasing trend toward executive orders.

Bracing for Impact: The Threat of Cuts to Social Safety Nets
A panel of accomplished authorities from the government and nonprofit sectors will answer questions about the threat of financial cuts to programs designed to address hunger, mental health, housing and other basic needs. Let’s discover what actions can be taken.

States’ Rights: Challenges and Opportunities for Illinois
Recent decisions by the Supreme Court have demonstrated a trend toward defending states’ rights. Our speaker will examine the legislative challenges and opportunities that face our state in the years ahead.

We'll also host breakout sessions on immigrant rights, criminal justice reform, and climate change legislation—choose whichever topic interests you most.

Visit the LWVIL website Issues Briefing event page for more speaker and breakout session information. 

Get tickets now!
In-person seating will be limited to the first 200 registrants. Registration to attend in person closes Feb. 7 at 8:00 AM
Registration to attend virtually will remain open. 

Fees and additional details will be found on the registration page. 

Date and Time

Saturday, February 8, 2025, 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


Community Information

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only


League of Women Voters of McLean County 

PO Box 932 

Normal, IL 61761