Leaguers! Need Your Help
Get the Word out on County Auditor Referendum
Leaguers, we need your help! This is the time to step up and help us spread the word that a YES vote on the referendum to eliminate the elected office of the auditor is a vote for good government.
You can help by sharing our Facebook post, by talking to your friends and colleagues about it, by sending the Pantagraph a Letter to the Editor (you can get talking points from Sally Rudolph info@lwvmclean.org at if you’d like some ideas for the letter).
This is a really important referendum and it’s all about getting the word out. Some points to remember as you spread the word:
1. it’s a nonpartisan issue – the County Board voted unanimously to put it on the ballot, both Democrats and Republicans, and 4 nonpartisan groups all endorse it.
2. it’s not about the current officer holder but about the office itself;
3. it doesn’t eliminate auditing – audits are important and will still be done;
4. it would save taxpayers up to $100,000 per year, and
5. it would improve county government, streamline the functions of the auditor.