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Date: 9/3/2024
Subject: Action Alert: Urge a "No" Tonight on Normal Grocery Tax
From: League of Women Voters of McLean County

Action Alert
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Urge "No" Vote Tonight on Town of Normal Grocery Tax

Here's What To Do
  • Normal residents contact your elected officials today on your own behalf about tonight's important vote.
  • Alert Town of Normal friends and family to the upcoming vote.
  • Consider speaking at the meeting. 
Ask them to lessen the cost of critical food and medicines by voting "no" tonight on continuing the grocery taxThe need for food pantries and a wide variety of food subsidy programs is still strong. Let's help our neighbors and make a statement about our community values by asking elected officials to find another solution to revenue shortfalls.  
President Laurie Wollrab sent emails to Town officials on behalf of the LWV-McLean County (see today's News Blast and our website home page news item). However, the LWV board most likely will not attend the Normal Town Council meeting because it has its own strategic planning meeting at the same time. 
On this evening's Town of Normal Council agenda for 9/3/24 there is a vote to continue the imposition of a 1% grocery tax that is scheduled by the State of Illinois to sunset. There is a further description of the proposal at the end of the full council packet (page 61). WGLT recently reported on this.
League Position
The LWVIL "supports a broad-based sales tax with exemptions for food and medicines to reduce the impact on low-income persons." (For more, see Where We Stand: 2023-2025 Program, pg 143.) 
Why This Matters
The proposed tax, even though it may not be felt by the majority of Normal residents, undoubtedly has an impact on the 23% of community members who live below the poverty level (see profile for Normal, IL).
It may also be felt by those identified by the United Way as in the "ALICE" demographic group. Its most recent report on this group is attached. Page 10 of the report specifically highlights how recent inflation and changes in public assistance for food and rent have negatively impacted ALICE households.

Contact Laurie Wollrab at

League of Women Voters of McLean County
P.O. Box 932, Normal, IL 61761


League of Women Voters of McLean County 

PO Box 932 

Normal, IL 61761