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Date: 7/23/2024
Subject: News Blast July 23, 2024
From: League of Women Voters of McLean County

July 23, 2024

Learn about Social Justice History in McLean County
Walking Tour on July 30
There are still slots open for the Social Justice Walking Tour on Tuesday, July 30th, at 6:30 p.m. in downtown Bloomington. 
Learn how the Illinois suffrage movement was born in Bloomington and how the Anti-Defamation League started here. Hear about the local history relating to civil rights, women's suffrage, freedom of the press, antisemitism, environmental justice, urban renewal, labor struggles and other social justice issues.
Labor historian Mike Matejka (shown above) and McLean County Museum staff member Candace Summer will lead the tour. The tour is approximately two miles long and will take an hour and 45 minutes so wear comfortable shoes
Meet at the main museum entrance on the south side facing Washington Street (the address is 200 North Main Street, but the entrance is on Washington Street). We will begin promptly at 6:30.
Gather Before the Social Justice Tour
Beluga Press Gallery
313 N. Main St., Ground Floor
Tuesday, July 30, 5:45 p.m.
Gather pre-tour or just come for the art and mingle at an eminent downtown art gallery displaying the work of well-known local artists, including the owner, Rhea Edge. The gallery is located just north of the History Museum on the east side of the street, so it will be a short walk to the tour beginning point.  Sandwiches and beverages will be served. Please register for yourself and any guests to provide us with a count for refreshments.  
Registration is required for both events. 

Help Register Voters
You can help register voters at various events leading up to the November election. The Voter Services Committee (VSC) has been identifying possible locations for tabling where we can help people use the Illinois State Board of Elections’ online voter registration option to register to vote. You can help prospective voters utilize the online form without getting deputy registrar training—which means any chapter member can volunteer to participate.

See below for list of events that we hope to participate in to help prospective voters. Please feel free to suggest events for VSC to pursue.
Sign up to help with voter registration events here. We will always have at least one experienced Voter Services Committee member at each event to help new volunteers get up to speed.
For more information, contact Chad Kahl at  

The League of Women Voters of the United States released a statement on July 21 regarding President Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race.  It has information on how the Democratic Party replaces its presumptive presidential nominee. 

Volunteer to Abolish the Electoral College
One Person, One Vote

The LWV led by a local LWV Illinois Chapter is now holding nationwide online meetings working toward abolishing the Electoral College. At this time the effort is to educate LWV members and raise awareness of the effort among the general public.

If you would like to represent the LWV of McLean County in this very important effort (or come to the next meeting to see if it’s for you) please contact Laurie Wollrab at These are monthly meetings that last about an hour.

Next month’s meeting is scheduled for 12:00 pm (CDT) on Friday, August 16, and will include guest speaker Professor Carolyn DuPont, of Eastern Kentucky University. DuPont was one of the invited speakers at the LWVUS Convention. She has a new book being published in September, Distorting Democracy: The Forgotten History of the Electoral College―and Why It Matters Today. The meeting should be very informative!
Here's more information about the LWV efforts on the One Person, One Vote campaign.

LWVIL State Assembly Coming in August
Attend in person or virtually
The LWVIL is holding a state assembly on August 10. You can attend in person or virtually.  For more information, click on the button:

Miss the Last Issue of The Voter? Click on the link below for the most recent issue.
The Voter will return in August.  

League of Women Voters of McLean County
P.O. Box 932, Normal, IL 61761


League of Women Voters of McLean County 

PO Box 932 

Normal, IL 61761