Annual Meeting Recap
The League of Women Voters of McLean County held their annual meeting on June 24 at the YWCA. President Diana Hauman presided by giving a summary of the last year and recognizing outgoing board members.
The League membership voted on the upcoming local Program of advocacy and study, including Dis-information and Mis-information surrounding the upcoming elections, Mental Health progress in McLean County, possible consolidation of McLean County and City of Bloomington Election Commissions, polling place consolidation in Normal, and Ranked Choice Voting. More information to come on each of these studies.
Bylaw revisions, the 2024-25 budget, and the board of directors for the 2024-25 year were approved. Details will be coming in a future newsletter.
Diana Hauman was recognized by Laurie Wollrab for her efforts and dedication during her presidential term. As the 2024-25 president, Laurie said she would open the board meetings to all members, challenged members to be the eyes and ears for short- and long-term issues, and increase membership by 10 percent.