Board Opportunities
Come join the board!
There are two positions available if you are thinking of giving more to our local league.
Observer Director: help guide the government meeting observers by becoming the Observer Director. You would make sure there are observers at key government meetings, arrange for their training and guide them in reporting what they have observed.
Vice President: there is a need for a board member who will temporarily fill the Vice President role through the November elections. At that time, our Voter Services Director, Chad Kahl, will move into the VP spot. The temporary VP will serve as a board member from July 2024 to June 2025 and the initial and temporary VP duties can be shaped to meet your interests and time.
Both positions provide a terrific way to learn more about how the League functions and for you to become more active in a national election year. League leadership promises support and mentorship to anyone wishing to step up into either role. The League Board meets monthly for approximately an hour and a half.