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McLean County Sales Tax Referendum ~ Community Information Program
About this event

This community information program will highlight information about the April 1 sales tax referendum on ballots across McLean County. School districts in McLean County have voted to put the measure on the ballot.
The ballot proposition will be presented as follows:
"Shall a retailers' occupation tax and service occupation tax (commonly referred to as a sales tax) be imposed in the County of McLean, Illinois, at a rate of 1% to be used exclusively for school facility purposes, school resource officers, and mental health professionals?" (YES or NO) (source: website, McLean County Clerk)
Guest panel members will include:
- Dr. Kristen Weikle, Unit 5 superintendent
- Dr. David Mouser, District 87 superintendent
Panelist presentations will discuss various aspects of the need and purposes of the tax.
The program is free and open to the public. Registrations are appreciated to help us plan.
If you would like to submit questions in advance, please send them in an email to no later than Thursday, February 6.
A League study team has been gathering information about the referendum. You may wish to read information gathered to date prior to the meeting.
Referendum Background Info
Questions? Contact Laurie Bergner, Community Information chair, at
Event Contact(s)
Laurie Bergner
Community Information
Registration Info
Registration is recommended
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