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Date: 1/21/2025
Subject: The Voter January 2025
From: League of Women Voters of McLean County

January 2025
Calendar of Events             

Reminder! Coming up next week!
Our first community information program of the year will feature three panelists with working knowledge of various aspects of our area's affordable housing problem. We will hear from Mark Adams of the Bloomington-Normal Community Land Trust, John Armstrong from the realtor community, and Jeff Jurgens, Bloomington City Manager. We will have plenty of time for Q&A and discussion.
Bring your friends! Registrations are appreciated to help us plan.

Let Your Voice Be Heard
Provide Input to League Positions ~ Feb. 6 

by Laurie Wollrab

Give your input into the future direction of the League of Women Voters of Illinois at a full membership meeting on February 6th. The meeting is 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Bloomington Public Library Community Room.
We are looking for your direction on changes to current LWVIL positions, what you'd like to see included and what will our league support.  There's some pre-reading at the link so you are prepared to discuss and vote.
See you on the 6th!

February Drinks and Dialogue
February 19
by Camille Taylor, Drinks and Dialogue Chair
Could it happen to you? Could you ever become homeless?

At Drinks and Dialogue on February 19th, you will hear from a woman who became homeless. Verneice Prince will share her remarkable story. Even more importantly, she will share the work her nonprofit, COPS (Cruisin’ Outta Poverty Services) is doing in our community.
Verneice’s lived experiences can answer your questions regarding the who, what, why and how of homelessness. Come to Gill St. Bar & Grill on Wednesday, February 19th. Social Hour is 5:30. Information and Discussion are from 6-7pm.

You won’t want to miss this!

LWV Studying Sales Tax Referendum
 by Faith Russell, Issues & Advocacy Director
Our McLean County LWV is studying the County Facilities Sales Tax Referendum (CFST) that will be on the April 1 ballot. This 1% sales tax increase--an items specific tax--would be used to fund school infrastructures, safety and security, and mental health services.

The LWV study will look at the need for additional school funding, the options available for meeting this need, and our assessment of the option being proposed in the referendum.

We will provide an education program for members and the community on the referendum on Feb. 11 (see details below in this newsletter). Shortly after that, we will ask for member input on taking a stand--for or against the referendum--depending on what we learn.

As we work to learn more and develop our position, please let us know if you have additional suggestions on what we should review. Contact Jana Edge at if you would like to offer suggestions or assist with the study.

Sales Tax Referendum
Learn More About It ~ Feb 11
Mark your calendars and invite your friends to our next community information forum. It's an opportunity to learn about the proposed sales tax for McLean County. You can get the "what, why, when" and more on Tuesday, February 11, 6:30 PM at the Bloomington Public Library. It's free and open to members and the public. 
Guests include Dr. Kristen Weikle, Unit 5 school superintendent, and Dr. David Mouser, District 87 superintendent. Plans are still being finalized, so stay tuned for more information. 
Mark your calendars and invite your friends. An RSVP will help with planning.

Go On Alert
School Board Observers Needed
by Gretchen Monti, Observers Director
Our observers of local government meetings play a valuable role for our League. Your time is spent observing and alerting our board to potential issues needing advocacy or study and consensus. We have openings for Unit 5 and District 87 Boards, which have an important issue now: taxing referenda on the April ballots.
You can attend in person and may observe remotely (Unit 5 only). Both meet on the 3rd Wednesday evening of the month. You do not need to be a resident of the district, and the position may be shared. Reporting is minimal. If you can help, please contact Observer Director Gretchen Monti  at 309-530-7353.

What Happens Next in LWVUS Membership?
by Beth Porter, Membership Director
In February: Activate Your Account
  • In February, you will receive a welcome email inviting you to log in to the new LWVUS Membership website and activate your account in the new system.
  • You will enter your email and be sent a code so you can log in to the new site. You will verify that your member "profile" information is correct. Please review your contact information and update as you need to. There will be a few survey questions, and then you are set up!
  • You will not renew at this time if your membership is fully paid up.
  • You also have the choice to set up automatic renewals at this time. You may add your payment method, choosing either credit card or ACH transfer.
  • If something comes up, we're here to help! Contact me at

Candidate Forum and Mayoral Debate
Mar. 4 ~ Can You Help?
by Kyle Ciani, Voter Services Director
Save the Date! WGLT and the League are partnering on a Candidate Open House and Mayoral Forums on Tuesday, March 4, 5 PM - 8 PM in the Brown Ballroom of the Bone Student Center at Illinois State University. Attendance is open to all and no RSVP is needed. Tables will be set up around the space for candidates to interact with visitors and two timed mayoral forums will be held. Candidates for Bloomington mayor will debate from 5:45-6:45 and candidates for Normal mayor will debate from 7-8.

Can you help? If you would like to assist at the candidate information tables or as a timer during the forums, please e-mail Indicate if you would like to assist at a table or as a forum timer, and include the time segment you can volunteer.

New Members Orientation ~ Jan. 23
by Beth Porter, Membership Director
A new member orientation meeting will be offered every other month in 2025. Orientation meetings are focused on informing new and prospective League members about the League's history, structure, and ways to get involved; however, all members are welcome to attend and can invite a friend. The sessions will be one hour or less.

Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 5:30 p.m.
Bloomington Public Library, 205 E. Olive St., Bloomington, IL 61701
Conference Room, 2nd Floor
Upcoming Dates/Times
● Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 9:30 a.m.
● Thursday, May 22, 2025 at 5:30 p.m.
● Saturday, July 26, 2025 at 9:30 a.m.

Get Briefed!
LWVIL 2025 Issues Briefing
Feb. 8 ~ Virtually or in Person
Come join fellow LWVIL members for our annual look at current issues.
Those attending in the past indicate these issues briefings feature highly qualified presenters, thought-provoking topics, and help prepare us to advocate for change.

Send Love in February
Volunteer Opportunity ~ Feb. 6
by Beth Porter, Membership Director
The McLean County Museum of History seeks volunteers to help send Valentines to senior care facilities across McLean County. Since 2020, the museum has sent Christmas postcards to senior care facilities across McLean County. The holiday cards have been so well received the museum would like to expand to send Valentine cards, as these cards bring many smiles.
The Valentine card party will be in the museum's courtroom on Thursday, February 6 from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Click here to RSVP. You may drop in for any length of time during these hours. Please bring a friend and make a difference to those in McLean County senior care facilities this Valentine’s Day.
If you have questions, call or email Maria Mears, Director of Adult Education & Interns, at the museum directly: 309-827-0428.

Bloomington Election Commissioner Vacancy
Apply by Jan. 31
by Diana Hauman
The Bloomington Election Commission has an opening and if you’ve ever thought of sitting on the commission, here’s your opportunity! Having served as the LWV of McLean County observer for 18 months, the commission could use a member of our League in its ranks.  

Formed in 1914, the Bloomington Election Commission [BEC] is comprised of three commissioners. The purpose of the Commission is to “conduct elections in a transparent, accurate, fair and non-partisan manner.” Both major political parties must be represented. Since there is currently one Democrat and one Republican serving on the Commission, members from either political party will be considered.

Get Your League T-Shirt
Order your T-shirt today! Just click on the button to take you to our League Storefront.

League of Women Voters of McLean County

P.O. Box 932, Normal, IL 61761




League of Women Voters of McLean County 

PO Box 932 

Normal, IL 61761